We believe in open science. Whenever possible we share code and data resources. Some examples are below. If you are interested in our tools or approaches and are having trouble with access or implementation, please contact us.

Red cell differential

We built the RBC-diff, a computer vision tool for quantifying red cell dysfunction in large-field blood smear images. Code for the RBC-diff and a repository of 10,000 expert-labelled red cell images are available here.

Dynamic benchmarking of blood cell parameters

We created a tool for calculating positional and directional reference curves to benchmark patients in recovery from cardiac surgery. Code for this tool and an example dataset are available here.


We are currently building archives of raw data streams from various UW hematology lab instruments to assist with research and clinical practice. If you are a UW medicine affiliated researcher interested in accessing these data sources for clinical, operational, or research purposes please email Brody.