Publications are also listed on Google Scholar and PubMed. If you cannot access any of the papers below, please email Brody.


BH Foy, JCT Carlson, AD Aguirre, JM Higgins. 2025. Platelet-white cell ratio is more strongly associated with mortality than other common risk ratios derived from complete blood counts. Nature Communications. 16:1113.

BH Foy, R Petherbridge, MT Roth, C Zhang, DCD Souza, C Mow, HR Patel, CH Patel, SN Ho, E Lam, CE Power, RP Hasserjian, KJ Karczewski, V Tozzo, JM Higgins. 2025. Haematological setpoints are a stable and patient-specific deep phenotype. Nature. 637(8045):430-438

LM Yonker, O Badaki-Makun, B Alvarez-Carcamo, C Cross, Y Okuducu, L Appleman, J Greatorex, RE Onu, C Santos, R Petherbridge, BH Foy, D Cereaga, M Naiman, I Castro, L Haller, LB Guthrie, JM Higgins, KB Lewandrowski, D Irimia. 2024. Monocyte anisocytosis is associated with sepsis in children with suspected infection. Shock. PMID: 39749928

PK Bendapudi, BH Foy, SB Mueller, J Liu, LM Feingold, KE Burke, W Cruz, MY Chen, ES Lau, RL Goldberg, I Tatake, SC Wilkinson, BJ Carney, JR Stone, D Park, AR Avelino, S Hassan, C Andrzejewski, KN Ruby, KD Friedman, PAR Brunker, RK Leaf, JM Higgins, WH Dzik, JA Stefely, RS Makar. 2024. Recombinant ADAMTS13 for immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. New England Journal of Medicine. 390(18).

S Verbanck, RL Eddy, MJ McIntosh, G Parraga, BH Foy. 2024. Missing airways, ventilation defects and conductive airway physiology in asthma. European Respiratory Journal.

R Brewster, S Mathias, S Sarvode, D Unnikrishnan, D Rama, BH Foy, C Britto. 2024. A pragmatic calibration of the ROX index to predict outcome of nasal high-flow therapy in India. Journal of Critical Care. PMID: 38608348

KA Kooshesh, BH Foy, DB Sykes, K Gustafsson, DT Scadden. 2023. Health consequences of thymus removal in adults. New England Journal of Medicine. 389(5): 406-417. PMID: 37530823

DR Wilcox, ER Rudmann, E Ye, A Noori, C Magdamo, A Jain, H Alabsi, BH Foy, VA Triant, GK Robbins, MB Westover, S Das, SS Mukerji. 2023. Cognitive concerns are a risk factor for mortality in people with HIV and coronavirus disease 2019. AIDS. 37(10):1565. PMID: 37195278

BH Foy*, J Stefely*, PK Bendapudi, RP Hasserjian, H Al-Samkari, A Louissaint Jr, M Fitzpatrick, B Hutchison, C Mow, J Collins, H Patel, C Patel, N Patel, S Ho, RM Kaufman, W Dzik, JM Higgins, RS Makar. 2023. Computer vision quantitation of erythrocyte shape abnormalities provides diagnostic, prognostic, and mechanistic insight. Blood Advances. 2022008967. PMID: 37146262

BH Foy, K Burrage, I Turner. 2022. A meshfree radial basis function method for simulation of multi-dimensional conservation problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. 39(3):2600-2629.

PG Miller, GG Fell, BH Foy, AK Scherer, CJ Gibson, AS Sperling, BB Burugula, T Nakao, MM Uddin, H Warren, L Bry, O Pozdnyakova, MJ Frigault, AG Bick, D Neuberg, JM Higgins, MK Mansour, P Natarajan, AS Kim, JO Kitzman, BL Ebert. 2022. Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential and risk of death from COVID-19. Blood. 140(18): 1993-1997. PMID: 36096050

BH Foy, TM Sundt, JCT Carlson, AD Aguirre, JM Higgins. 2022. Human acute inflammatory recovery is defined by co-regulatory dynamics of white blood cell and platelet populations. Nature Communications. 13(1): 4705. PMID: 35995789

J Grune, AJM Lewis, M Yamazoe, M Hulsmans, D Rohde, L Xiao, S Zhang, C Ott, DM Calcagno, Y Zhou, K Timm, M Shanmuganathan, FE Pulous, MJ Schloss, BH Foy, D Capen, C Vinegoni, GR Wojtkiewicz, Y Iwamoto, T Grune, D Brown, JM Higgins, VM Ferreira, N Herring, KM Channon, S Neubauer, S Mayooran, VM Ferreira, KM Channon, DE Sosnovik, DJ Milan, FK Swirski, KR King, AD Aguirre, PT Ellinor, M Nahrendorf. 2022. Neutrophils incite and macrophages avert electrical storm after myocardial infarction. Nature Cardiovascular Research. 1(7): 649-664. PMID: 36034743

MJ Schloss, M Hulsmans, D Rohde, IH Lee, N Severe, BH Foy, FE Pulous, S Zhang, KD Kokkaliaris, V Frodermann, G Courties, C Yang, Y Iwamoto, AS Knudsen, CS McAlpine, M Yamazoe, SP Schmidt, GR Wojtkiewicz, GS Masson, K Gustaffson, D Capen, D Brown, JM Higgins, DT Scadden, P Libby, FK Swirski, K Naxerova, M Nahrendorf. 2022. B lymphocyte-derived acetylcholine limits steady-state and emergency hematopoiesis. Nature Immunology. 23(4): 605-618. PMID: 35352063

SB Verbanck, BH Foy. 2022. In asthma phase III slopes can result from structural heterogeneity of the bronchial tree. Journal of Applied Physiology. 132(4): 947-955. PMID: 35175103

PG Campbell, IB Steward, AC Sirotic, C Drovandi, BH Foy, GM Minett. Analysing the predictive capacity and dose-response of wellness in load monitoring. Journal of Sport Sciences. 1-9. PMID: 33404378

SS Mukerji, S Das, H Alabsi, LN Brenner, A Jain, C Magdamo, SI Collens, E Ye, K Keller, CL Boutros, MJ Leone, A Newhouse, BH Foy, MD Li, M Lang, YP Shao, W Ge, H Sun, VA Triant, J Kalpathy-Cramer, JM Higgins, J Rosand, GK Robbins, MB Westover. 2021. Prolonged intubation in patients with prior cerebrovascular disease and covid-19. Frontiers in Neurology. 12:416. PMID: 33897598

BH Foy, B Wahl, K Mehta, A Shet, GI Menon, C Britto. 2021. Comparing COVID-19 vaccine allocation strategies in India: a mathematical modelling study. International Journal of Infectious Diseases. 103: 431-438. PMID: 33388436

BH Foy, BP Goncalves, JM Higgins. 2020. Unravelling disease pathophysiology with mathematical modeling. Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease. 15: 371-394. PMID: 31977295

BH Foy, D Kay, S Siddiqui, CE Brightling, M Paiva, S Verbanck. 2020. Increased ventilation heterogeneity in asthma can be attributed to proximal bronchioles. European Respiratory Journal. 55(3). PMID: 31806713

BH Foy, A Li, JP McClung, R Ranganath, JM Higgins. 2020. Data-driven physiologic thresholds for iron deficiency associated with hematologic decline. American Journal of Hematology. 95(3): 302-309. PMID: 31849101

S Cremer, MJ Schloss C Vinegoni, BH Foy, S Zhang, D Rohde, M Hulsmans, P Fumene Feruglio, S Schmidt, G Wojtkiewicz, JM Higgins, R Weissleder, FK Swirski, M Nahrendorf. 2020. Diminished reactive hematopoiesis and cardiac inflammation in a mouse model of recurrent myocardial infarction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 75(8): 901-915. PMID: 32130926

BH Foy, CE Brightling, S Siddiqui. 2020. Proning reduces ventilation heterogeneity in patients with elevated BMI: implications for COVID-19 pneumonia management? ERJ Open Research. 6(2). PMID: 32685437

BH Foy, S Natarajan, A Munawar, M Soares, J Thorpe, J Owers-Bradley, S Siddiqui. 2020. Characterising the role of small airways in severe asthma using low frequency forced oscillations: A combined computational and clinical approach. Respiratory Medicine. 10622. PMID: 32843165

BH Foy, JCT Carlson, E Reinertsen, R Padros I Valls, R Pallares Lopez, E Palanques-Tost, C Mow, MB Westover, AD Aguirre, JM Higgins. 2020. Association of red blood cell distribution width with mortality risk in hospitalized adults with SARS-CoV-2 infection. JAMA Network Open. 3(9):e2022058. PMID: 32965501

BH Foy, D Kay. 2019. A computationally tractable scheme for simulation of the human pulmonary system. Journal of Computational Physics. 388: 371-393.

AJ Bell, BH Foy, M Richardson, A Singapuri, E Mirkes, M van den Berge, D Kay, CE Brightling, AN Gorban, CJ Galban, S Siddiqui. 2019. Functional CT imaging for identification of the spatial determinants of small-airways disease in adults with asthma. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 144(1): 83-93. PMID: 30682455

BH Foy, M Soares, R Bordas, M Richardson, AJ Bell, A Singapuri, B Hargadon, CE Brightling, K Burrowes, D Kay, J Owers-Bradley, S Siddiqui. 2019. Lung computational models and the role of the small airways in asthma. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 200(8): 982-991. PMID: 31106566

BH Foy, S Gonem, CE Brightling, S Siddiqui, D Kay. 2018. Modelling the effect of gravity on inert-gas washout outputs. Physiological Reports. 6(10):e13709. PMID: 29845761

BH Foy, P Perre, I Turner. 2017. The meshfree finite volume method with application to multi-phase porous media models. Journal of Computational Physics. 333: 369-386

BH Foy, R Bordas, D Kay. 2017. Modelling responses of the inert-gas washout and MRI to bronchoconstriction. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 235: 8-17. PMID: 27677404

BH Foy, D Kay. 2017. A computational comparison of the multiple-breath washout and forced oscillation technique as markers of bronchoconstriction. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology. 240: 61-69. PMID: 28300726

* First authors contributed equally

Corresponding authors


BH Foy, B Wahl. 2021. How do we best relax control measures as vaccine coverage for SARS-CoV-2 rises? Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 15.

BH Foy, S Siddiqui. 2021. Shifting the focus to measuring early disease in the sm(all) airways. Journal of Applied Physiology. 131(6): 1845-1846


Mathematical and computational frameworks for adaptively benchmarking patients. Johns Hopkins University, Institute for Computational Medicine. Mar 2024

Quantifying red cell abnormalities using computer vision. University of Washington, Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology. Feb 2024.

Novel methods for adaptive benchmarking: the value of boring data. Yale University, Department of Biomedical Engineering. Mar 2023.

Time series analysis of high throughput hematologic data to define normality. University of California San Francisco & Berkeley, Computational Precision Health Department. Feb 2023.

The joy of boring clinical data. Karolinska Institute, Medical Epidemiology Department. May 2022.

Adaptive patient benchmarking following cardiac surgery. Toronto Health Network, Grand Surgery Rounds. May 2022.

Quantifying human blood cell dynamics of the acute inflammatory response. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Computational Medicine Program. Feb 2022.

Math modelling of blood cell responses to acute stress. University of Melbourne, Department of Mathematics. Sep 2021.

Physiologic phenotyping: the role of computational modelling. American Thoracic Society Congress (Symposium Talk). May 2021.