We work on cutting-edge problems at the intersection of computation and medicine. We are interested in scientists with diverse backgrounds and training, who share a love for this intersection and care about clinical impact. Interested applicants should read the information below and our application guide, and then email Brody.

If you don’t match the categories below but still think you are a good fit for the lab, please send an email with your CV and an explanation.


We can offer research-for-credit projects for UW undergraduates. Interested students should have experience with programming in a data-analysis language (R, Python, MATLAB) and have taken at least one university-level statistics class. Applicants should follow instructions in the lab manual. Note that we do not take on high school students in any capacity, and cannot offer roles to non UW students.


Currently enrolled masters/PhD students at UW interested in either a rotation or full-term project should email a CV and explanation of their research goals. For thesis committee requests email a CV, and project outline.

Most graduate programs at UW are not direct admit – meaning I cannot admit you to the lab if you are not already enrolled at UW. However, if you are an exceptional student whose background and interests are strongly aligned with our lab, please email a CV and brief explanation of your research goals. Due to uncertainty of entry, applicants who are not an extremely strong fit may not receive a reply.


We are interested in postdocs with computational skills and illustrated prior interests in healthcare or biology. We also offer projects for UW residents who have at least some programming experience. Applicants should email a CV, at least one prior publication, and a brief description of your research goals.


A detailed overview of expectations and philosophy of our lab is given in the application guide. We believe in collaborative, open-science, and creating a supportive environment for all members. All members will have opportunity to shape the direction of their project, to learn new skills, and to set development goals that align with their future career interests. We aim to work hard and do good science, but to ensure we have rich and rewarding lives outside of academia.